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  • (415) 491-0959
  • 119 A Paul Drive
    San Rafael, CA 94903
Yes! In order to properly help your headaches and migraines, chiropractors perform "adjustments", or manipulations, to your spine. These treatments reduce or eliminate the inflammation on the nerve or in the surrounding soft tissue, like your muscles, tendons or ligaments. With the inflammation gone and your range of motion is restored, you'll have no more muscle tension, which dramatically improves the likelihood that your headaches will be gone.
During the impact of an auto accident, a person's neck is forcibly "whipped" back and forth and side to side past its normal range of motion. As a result, whiplash injuries can affect the muscles and tissues in the back and neck. Stiffness from back pain and/or neck pain can ensue immediately or it can take days, weeks or months to arise. It is crucial to treat whiplash immediately even if you are not yet experiencing neck or back pain.
Headaches and migraines are common symptoms that can occur as a result of whiplash injuries or any type of motor vehicle injury. Headaches may develop when specific vertebrae in the neck are restricted and out of position due to the impact of an accident. Sprained neck muscles can cause pain to radiate to the head. Any injury or trauma to the head can cause headaches and migraines. If you are experiencing headaches after an auto accident, you should get treated as soon as possible, so your headache pain does not become permanent.
At Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center we are skilled in treating whiplash injuries so you can get back to being functional and normal.
Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective at helping both acute neck pain and chronic neck pain. Acute neck pain may be felt as a sharp pain in the neck, and you may not be able to turn your head. Chronic neck pain can also arise from poor posture and sedentary work, such as sitting at a desk and working on a computer for 8 hours a day. This type of pain is often described as a dull, achy discomfort that is often accompanied by stiffness. Whether it is poor posture or sedentary work, specific vertebrae in the neck and upper back may be problematic, resulting in neck pain. Supporting our spine are muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and they can all form scar tissue, further complicating the healing process. Chiropractic adjustments are aimed at helping to keep the joints working properly, reduce stiffness, reduce pain, reduce muscle tension, and increase function.
Most patients don't want to just mask the pain with medication. Unfortunately, that is all that most doctors offer. At Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we treat neck pain with advanced techniques that focus on improving function to the nervous and musculoskeletal system. This is the best way to reduce pain and return to normal function.
Whiplash injuries occur when there is a sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction which can cause a rebound in the opposite direction. Surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head will be affected. Consequently, the surrounding muscles begin to tighten, contract, and fatigue quicker resulting in pain and stiffness. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash.
A proper evaluation is vital after an auto accident to determine how you can feel better without using medication, which is designed to mask the pain, not treat the cause of the pain. At Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center we are skilled in helping people recover from automobile injuries.
When people experience shoulder pain, it can radiate down the arm and cause a person to have limited movement. Whether it's from a sports injury or sleeping on it the wrong way, pain in the shoulder can be quite painful.
Often, shoulder pain can be accompanied by neck and back pain. When the shoulder hurts, it can cause the body to respond in a negative manner such as poor posture or restricted range of motion, resulting in poor biomechanics elsewhere. Therefore, it is important for a chiropractor to accurately diagnose the problem before any treatment can start. Shoulder issues are tricky because it is typically multifaceted and requires one to look at the entire shoulder girdle, not just the shoulder joint itself.
If you are unsure about your diagnosis or the severity of your condition, you should seek advice before beginning any treatment.
Often times, symptoms of an injury are delayed after an auto accident. The soft tissues (muscles, tendons, discs, ligaments, etc.) are usually stretched and, in some cases, they have a micro-tear that cause pain after an auto accident. This leads to an inflammatory reaction that takes time to build up with the soft tissue. Patients often mask their initial symptoms with pain medications, and they are unaware of the level of their pain and stiffness until these medications wear off. If you took any type of medication after the accident, there is a very good chance that your symptoms are delayed because of the medication.
Carpal tunnel is in the wrist, and the nerves going through this structure may be irritated, causing several problems such as pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness of the fingers, hands, and wrist. 1 out of 10 people suffers from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), usually, affecting domestic workers, secretaries, computer users, musicians, and others who do repetitive tasks with their hands.
A wrist problem may be the result of a misalignment in one or more joints in the neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist. Chiropractic techniques that work so well with the spine can be applied to other joints of the body. Virtually every joint is susceptible to fixations and malfunctions that impair function and range of motion. Trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations, and repetitive motions are often culprits.
Carpal tunnel is often the go-to diagnosis for any type of wrist pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness. Many times, the cause of wrist pain originates in the neck. It is important to get a proper chiropractic evaluation to see what the best course of action may be to find pain relief for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Chiropractic treatments are not only effective for the spine, but also for the upper extremities as well. Patients who have symptoms related to their shoulders, elbows and hands can benefit from chiropractic treatments.
In addition to joint manipulation, our office uses a variety of physiotherapy protocols to reduce inflammation, including deep tissue massage, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, heat and ice. By combining these treatments with an exercise rehabilitation protocol, we've had great success healing extremity problems.
Have you ever tried to lose weight? If so, then you know it takes more than giving up a single dessert or just one workout at the gym! It's the same with chiropractic adjustments. If you've had severe structural problems for a long time, you would probably need more care than someone who only has had minor problems for a short period of time. The healing process takes different times for each person.
After your consultation and examination with Dr. Schillinger, he'll clearly outline your treatment program, so you can decide how he can best serve you.
Many things can cause lower back pain ranging from sports, work injuries, sleeping on a poor-quality mattress, household chores, or something as simple as picking up your child 10 times a day. Any of these activities can cause lower back pain. Low back pain may occur when a person's job involves lifting and carrying heavy objects, spending a lot of time sitting or standing in one position, or repeatedly bending over to pick up items. Certainly, low back pain can be caused by a fall or exercise as well. Whatever the cause is, lower back pain is usually caused when a vertebrae or spinal segment is out of its normal position, which puts stress on a person's nervous system. When the muscles or ligaments in the lower back become weak, the spine loses its stability and the result is pain. Because nerves reach all parts of the body from the spinal cord, back problems can lead to pain or weakness in almost any part of the body.
Chiropractors are skilled at treating low back pain and can pinpoint your back issue to get you back to a healthy state.
Most patients don't want to just mask the pain with medication. Unfortunately, that is what most doctors offer. At Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center we address back pain with advanced techniques that focus on repairing function to your nervous system and musculoskeletal system. This is the best way to reduce pain and return to normal function.
Yes, after experiencing trauma from sudden force, the spinal column can shift along with the soft tissues that support the spine such as tendons, ligaments, fascia, and muscles. This unexpected force can cause a vertebra to bulge, resulting in sciatic nerve compression. If you experienced an auto accident, we cannot stress enough how important it is to see a chiropractor immediately. Even if you are not experiencing pain, we can help restore spinal alignment to avoid any future flare-ups.
Sciatica is a condition where the nerves in the low back become inflamed and cause symptoms in one or more of these areas: the buttocks, thighs, legs or feet. Symptoms may be numbness, tingling, cold sensations, deep aches, or pain.
In order to properly heal your back, chiropractors perform "adjustments", or manipulations, to your spine. These treatments reduce or eliminate the inflammation on the nerve or in the surrounding soft tissue, like your muscles, tendons or ligaments. With the inflammation gone and your range of motion is restored, you can enjoy a pain free spine that's less likely to become arthritic as you age.
Vertigo can be defined as a sense of motion while one is stationary. This condition normally originates in the vestibular system in the middle ear, but it can also be caused by dysfunction in the brain. A person's quality of life can be drastically impacted by the severity of the symptoms that can ensue such as nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, excessive sweating, and unsteady gait. Many times, vertigo and dizziness can be linked to upper-neck dysfunction, which can be treated with chiropractic care.
There is no drug or pill that can correct vertigo if it is caused by upper-neck involvement. Seek out professional advice to see if chiropractic care can help with your vertigo or dizziness.
Chiropractic treatments are not only effective for the spine, but also for the lower extremities as well. Patients who have symptoms related to their hips, knees, ankles and feet can benefit from chiropractic treatments.
In addition to joint manipulation, our office uses a variety of physiotherapy protocols to reduce inflammation, including deep tissue massage, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, heat and ice. By combining these treatments with an exercise rehabilitation protocol, we've had great success healing lower extremity problems.
A chiropractor is a primary care physician, just like a medical doctor. Therefore, most insurance plans do not require chiropractic doctors to have a referral from a medical doctor. However, your health plan may have specific referral requirements. You may want to contact your employer's human resources department—or contact the insurance company directly—to find out if there are any referral requirements. Most plans allow you to just call and schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.
Every cell in your body requires healthy nerve flow, in order to operate at maximum efficiency. Chiropractors specialize in treating the conditions that lower the quality of nerve flow, especially muscular inflammation and joint pain.
By restoring proper nerve conductivity, chiropractic treatments, massage therapy and the proper exercises, can reduce or eliminate a wide variety of symptoms including, back pain, headaches, sciatica, whiplash, neck pain and disc problems.
Most of our patients feel better following the first visit. Each patient's situation is unique, so not everyone may feel an immediate improvement. Occasionally, patients may experience some stiffness after a treatment. This is normal with orthopedic or chiropractic care.
If there is discomfort, it's usually because the patient's muscles or joints have been inflamed, painful or dysfunctional for a long time. After the first visit, Dr. Schillinger always informs his patients how to best perform self-care at home to minimize any uncomfortable reaction.
One of the reasons Dr. Schillinger has been voted "Best" is because he uses a variety of adjusting techniques, which allows him to choose a treatment style that's most comfortable for you.
In fact, millions of chiropractic adjustments are safely delivered to satisfied patients every day! There is abundant scientific research supporting the safety of chiropractic care.
Treatment plans vary with each patient. The length of time it takes to get better depends on how long you've had the condition, how severe it is, your age, the type and severity of previous injuries you've had, and your general health (stress, diet, fitness, etc.).
Some patients only require a handful of treatments, while others may need three or four months of care to have their pain removed and their condition permanently corrected. Dr. Schillinger offers a variety of types of care, which allows you to choose how much attention you want to give to your condition. Whether you choose to only receive pain relief care (intensive) or permanent corrective care (rehabilitative), Dr. Schillinger will always support you in whatever decision you make.
Have you ever tried to lose weight? If so, then you know it takes more than giving up a single dessert or just one workout at the gym! It's the same with chiropractic adjustments. If you've had severe structural problems for a long time, you would probably need more care than someone who only has had minor problems for a short period of time. The healing process takes different times for each person.
After your consultation and examination with Dr. Schillinger, he'll clearly outline your treatment program, so you can decide how he can best serve you.
Dr. Schillinger does not routinely takes x-rays, or order MRI's for new patients. Approximately 75% of the time, Dr. Schillinger can make his diagnosis and recommendations for care without X-Rays or an MRI. After 31 years in practice, he is confident in his abilities to help patients without these tests. However, he does will recommend additional testing if the patient's condition warrants it, such as the possibility of fracture or spinal degeneration. If these tests are absolutely necessary, he would discuss this with you to get your feedback and plan the way forward.
When providing patients with chiropractic adjustments by hand, Dr. Schillinger uses the Palmer Technique. When it's necessary, or when patients request it, Dr. Schillinger will use a gentler type of technique using the Activator Method – which does not involve any "popping". Additionally, to help patients recover faster, the office provides physiotherapy, deep tissue massage therapy, yoga & Pilate's instruction, exercise rehabilitation, stress management and nutritional counseling.
The first visit is the longest because Dr. Schillinger is very thorough with his initial consultation and examination. The detailed consultation and examination is 30 minutes and is only performed at the first visit. Each treatment with Dr. Schillinger takes between 10 – 20 minutes, so if you were also treated on the first visit, the total time would be approximately 45 minutes.
On the second visit, Dr. Schillinger will spend approximately 15 minutes reviewing his examination findings and treatment recommendations with you. With the addition of the 10 – 20 minutes of treatment, the total time for the second visit would be approximately 30 minutes.
After the first two sessions, the chiropractic treatments are approximately 10 – 20 minutes, if massage therapy (60 minutes) is not being performed.
Before Dr. Schillinger treats you, he'll check in with you by asking you questions about how well you're feeling and if you're doing the exercises he's shown you. Because his specialty is in the field of stress management, he'll also inquire about how much stress you're experiencing, since that can make your symptoms worse. In addition to the chiropractic adjustment at each visit, Dr. Schillinger will also teach you a simple and effective relaxation technique, if necessary.
In addition to an adjustment and stress reduction technique, you may receive physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, heat, ice, etc.), exercise instruction (yoga & Pilates) or deep tissue massage therapy.
Many chiropractors, including Dr. Schillinger, successfully treat most sport injuries. He played organized sports almost all of his life, up until his late 50's. Plus, he has been a yoga teacher for 31 years. Even now, at age 63, he regularly competes in Ultimate Frisbee and basketball. He understands the most common sports problems people acquire. By following a specific treatment protocol that includes joint manipulation, physiotherapy, deep tissue massage therapy and exercise rehabilitation (yoga & Pilates), he helps his patients recover in the fastest healing time, with no unnecessary setbacks.
Dr. Schillinger sees new patients, in addition to established patients, all day on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he works privately with patients in stress management therapy, life coaching and nutritional counseling. However, if there is a new patient emergency on a Tuesday or Thursday, he will make room in his schedule to accommodate it.
Click here to read about what happens at the first visit.
Chiropractic care is just as safe for your children as it is for you. From the trauma of birth, through the falls and tumbles kids continually take, they are subject to spinal problems, just like adults. Dr. Schillinger recommends children be checked by a chiropractor a minimum of twice per year, to prevent minor problems becoming major arthritic problems later in life. Both of Dr. Schillinger's children (Gabe, 33 years old, and Becca, 36 years old) have received checkups and treatment from him since they were toddlers!
Every cell in your body requires healthy nerve flow, in order to operate at maximum efficiency. Chiropractors specialize in treating conditions that alter the quality of nerve flow. By restoring proper nerve conductivity, chiropractic treatments can reduce, or eliminate, a wide variety of symptoms, including, but not limited to, back pain. For a more thorough review of conditions that chiropractic can help, click here.
Treating patients since 1985, Dr. Schillinger has helped thousands of patients with whiplash – type injuries in his chiropractic office. He and his are experts working with insurance companies and attorneys, to make sure your body and your personal injury claim are well taken care of.
Home care recommendations are always given to his patients, whether it's during an office visit, in any one of our free weekly, Vital Living Workshops, or at one of his monthly Wellness Workshops. He is continually mentoring and motivating his patients to make the best Lifestyle improvements possible. Patients who don't participate in their care usually don't enjoy life-long benefits from chiropractic care.
In the first phase of care (pain relief), most of the home care is directed towards reducing inflammation and providing immediate pain relief. This involves stretching and yoga, as well as natural medicinal remedies. He also teach simple stress reduction techniques that patients can do at work or home, taking no more than one minute to do.
The second phase of care (corrective care) involves both Dr. Schillinger and his personal trainers teaching patients how to strengthen their muscles with Pilates routines, using surgical tubing. Patients who are also working out at a gym are instructed in the prevention of unnecessary flare-ups when working out on their own.
Wellness care (third phase) supports patients to actively pursue a healthy lifestyle. Our monthly Wellness Workshops are given by Dr. Schillinger and guest instructors to help patients improve their lives in the following areas: ergonomics, relationships, stress management, nutrition and weight loss, Seasonal Affective Disorder, parenting, emotional trauma, exercise, meditation, time management, yoga, anti–aging and more.
Chiropractic treatments are not only effective for the spine, but also for the upper and lower extremities (arms and legs) as well. Patients who have symptoms related to their shoulders, elbows and hands or hips, knees, ankles and feet can benefit from chiropractic treatments.
In addition to joint manipulation, our office uses a variety of physiotherapy protocols to reduce inflammation, including deep tissue massage, ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, heat and ice. By combining these treatments with an exercise rehabilitation protocol, we've had great success healing extremity problems.
A chiropractor is a primary care physician, just like a medical doctor. Therefore, most insurance plans do not require chiropractic doctors to have a referral from a medical doctor. However, your health plan may have specific referral requirements. You may want to contact your employer's human resources department—or contact the insurance company directly—to find out if there are any referral requirements. Most plans allow you to just call and schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.
* Feel free to call us at our San Rafael office, to have our staff call your insurance company to find out what your exact benefits are (415) 491-0959.
Most medical doctors are unfamiliar with chiropractic doctors and the principles and practices they effectively to help their patients. Many medical doctors are still operating under the policy perpetuated by the illegal boycott of chiropractors by the American Medical Association in the United States from 1960 – 1987.
On September 25, 1987, a United States Federal judge ruled that the AMA had violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act, and that it had engaged in an unlawful conspiracy in restraint of trade "to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession." The judge issued a permanent injunction against the AMA under Section 16 of the Clayton Act to prevent such future behavior.
Fortunately, more and more enlightened medical doctors see the value in chiropractic care, and support their patients to get the care that's best for them.
Yes. Chiropractic care is included in most health insurance plans, including major medical plans, workers' compensation, Medicare, some Medicaid plans, and Blue Cross/ Blue Shield plans for federal employees. Chiropractic care is also available to active-duty members of the armed forces at more than 60 military bases and is often available to veterans at major veteran's medical facilities.
This office is an In-Network Provider for most insurance companies. Our staff will show you how to fill out your forms and they will do the billing for you.
* Feel free to call us at our San Rafael office, to have our staff call your insurance company to find out what your exact benefits are (415) 491-0959.
Yes, I truly enjoy meeting prospective new patients, especially the ones who've never been to a chiropractor before. I've learned that the most important part of the first visit is to discover if there's a good bonding happening between the patient and myself. If the patient and I are comfortable with each other, there's a much greater likelihood that they will respond openly and honestly to me. It's critical for me to receive thoughtful answers, because I will ask important questions, not just about your symptoms, but also about your happiness, stress, diet, work, exercise routines and family life.
I always encourage anxious new patients to ask me questions throughout the history and examination process. I always explain the reasons for my diagnosis and treatment plan in a way they can understand. By doing this, my prospective new patients feel knowledgeable enough to make a decision that's right for them. Even when patients feel like they're not ready for care, they thank me for taking the time to introduce them to chiropractic.
* Before your first visit, feel free to call speak to me on the phone for a free consultation at (415) 491-0959.
Absolutely. Medicare Part B covers Chiropractic treatments. As a courtesy, we bill Medicare for you so that you can then receive a reimbursement directly from them. Medicare covers 80% of the chiropractic manipulation fee after a $100 deductible. Medicare will bill your secondary insurance if you have it.
I always encourage anxious new patients to ask me questions throughout the history and examination process. I always explain the reasons for my diagnosis and treatment plan in a way they can understand. By doing this, my prospective new patients feel knowledgeable enough to make a decision that's right for them. Even when patients feel like they're not ready for care, they thank me for taking the time to introduce them to chiropractic.
* For more detailed information about Medicare, feel free to call our San Rafael office at (415) 491-0959.
Dr. Schillinger has been involved in the field of Wellness Healthcare for over 40 years, specializing in stress management. According to medical literature, 80% of all illness is due from stress. Dr. Schillinger understands that most people are experiencing stress from either financial hardship, difficult relationships, intense workloads, raising children, poor diet or difficulties with time management. He knows it's equally important to treat the mind as well as the body, if his patients are going to make a more complete recovery.
In addition to helping his patients with joint and muscle problems, he also shows his patients how to reduce their anxiety and stress by incorporating mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques (MBSR) techniques. His methods only require a few minutes to do, so even those people with the busiest of schedules can relax and rejuvenate themselves.
In fact, Dr. Schillinger is so dedicated to helping people learn how to reduce their stress, he teaches a California Board Certified Continuing Education course for chiropractors and acupuncturists called, Adjusting the Mind Seminar. The 12 hour course shows health care practitioners how to use stress reduction techniques both for themselves and with their patients.
I'm truly thrilled to say that at age 63, I'm enjoying excellent physical health, mental clarity and spiritual well-being. Without the assistance of mentors, I would not have accomplished these goals that I've had since I was a teenager. I learned at an early age that there was no one right way for people to learn how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. When I was in chiropractic school in the early 1980s, I was determined to create a method that could help the greatest number of people become happier and healthier.
After decades of synthesizing the fields of stress management, Eastern philosophy, Western psychology and quantum physics, I created The RIGHT Way for Personal Growth. Teaching this method to my patients has helped them convert their challenging personal, family and professional problems, into understandable concepts and simple solutions. It's rewarding for me to really get to know my patients during the life coaching sessions, and to be able to help them in ways that most of their other doctors cannot do.
The founder of chiropractic care, DD Palmer, was one of the first American leaders of the now popular Wellness Revolution. He stated over one hundred years ago, that human beings were capable of enjoying "remarkable energy." In order to experience this type of vitality, he said that people needed to have a high performing nervous system – which controls all bodily functions. Palmer clearly did not agree with the prevailing notion that good health merely meant not having symptoms.
In order to possess great physical and mental health, Palmer said that chiropractors should treat the body and the mind. Therefore, the goal of chiropractic care is to help people possess great physical health and mental well-being. Chiropractic office visits at Schillinger Chiropractic and Wellness Center include treatments for both body (manipulation, massage, physiotherapy, nutrition and exercise) and mind (stress reduction, meditation, life coaching), with the intention of restoring vibrant health to their patients.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.